All in Food

The Top 5 Greek Bakeries

Whether a Greek pastry means a cheesy spanakopita or a sweet galaktoboureko, the Greeks know a thing or two when it comes to filo pastry. But it doesn’t stop there, fluffy pitas and almond crusted biscuits are always part of the mix.

ClassBento – giving experiences

Christmas time can be a pain in the ass. Fairy lights – amazing. Christmas trees – delightful. Present buying – also nice, until you’re trying to buy a present for that family member who doesn’t like ‘stuff’ or that friend who already has everything they want.

Fresh: Daily Greens

Try to name a restaurant serving food that is high quality, fresh and uses sustainably sourced ingredients. Can’t think of one? You’re not alone, and while there are a few restaurants adhering to these ethics, there definitely aren’t many. However, this is starting to change.