All in Feature

Pleasure in motion

When attending a festival, or really any place where there is music and people are dancing, there’s a special emotion that comes to life. As festival morph into mega events with huge budgets, sometimes it pays to return to the simple ingredients that make it all sparkle.

Finding the In-Between

Japan is a kaleidoscope of ancient traditions dancing with modernity. Returning to the images I shot while there, there is a fine balance between the long-lasting history and the rapid embrace of the new. Unfolding out of the landscape is a reminder of the practices of the past and now, becoming one with it, are the dense, urban city scapes which have become a world of their own. It is the interplay between the two which ultimately becomes so enrapturing.

Looking for Ansel

The series documents my first journey to Yosemite National Park, a setting that I've become quite familiar with through the countless years that it has been the default Mac desktop picture, but I've never actually visited.

A Town within a City

The feeling in The Jordaan is that of a town within a city, both familiar and overwhelming. Tucked just to the west of central Amsterdam, the quarter has the hubbub of a big city but the serenity of a village.